Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Notes from A Reluctant Closet Cleaner

Oh Boy ... Today should be fun....yeah right.
I happen to be cleaning house for the Russian skies that will be staying with me for the American Birkibiner Ski Race. I will have 5 people here at my home and 4 people staying with my oldest son ( age 41) Rick , My Mom and Rick's family.. Monika ( wife) and daughters Saskia 16 and Nadja 12. You'll hear alot about all my Grand kids as time goes on.. I have 7 and I sort of count my Niece Leah's little ones Austin age 5 and Hayden age 2 1/2 as my grandkids too. My Niece Leah passed away at age 25 on December 11th, 2007. A woman of Faith and a Loving heart and Cheery Smile, she died suddenly of a brain aneurysm. My comfort is knowing she is with the Lord , whom she loved so much.
I have Wonderful son ( Baby of the family at age 32) Jason and his lovely wife Vicki and her daughter Cait.. I am learning a bit about Blogging through them.. the are my inspiration in Blog land :) Jason is a Committed Social Worker ( or should be committed because social work will drive you nuts .. I know this ) and Vicki is a very Smart Legal Assistant/ Realtor who is an Awesome daughter-in -law.
Jason Coaches Cait in Basketball this year and that girl can do anything when it comes to competitive sports !! Cait is in Band , and very Artsy ( super creative)
She too is a smart cookie.. like her Mamma. Well, I will never get this house clean if I write all day :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It's a NEW DAY and A NEW WAY !

Ok, My first attempt at a blog.....hmmmmmmm, this could be interesting. I wonder if people actually read all this stuff ?

I am just learning to build my "dashboard" , it may take a while. I have only seen a few that belong to my family members and they are awesome. They have music and great photos . I can only hope I can get to that point someday.

Here is a photo a customer sent me of my Copper Cattail Wind Chimes tm after she put them in here beautiful garden ... Pretty nice huh . I am soooo Blessed to have such nice customers that Love my work . ... and Blessed in so many other ways as well. I am so Thankful and Grateful for all that God has given me. ...... Thought for the Day:

" God and Germs are everywhere , so wash your hands and say your Prayers " J