Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It's a NEW DAY and A NEW WAY !

Ok, My first attempt at a blog.....hmmmmmmm, this could be interesting. I wonder if people actually read all this stuff ?

I am just learning to build my "dashboard" , it may take a while. I have only seen a few that belong to my family members and they are awesome. They have music and great photos . I can only hope I can get to that point someday.

Here is a photo a customer sent me of my Copper Cattail Wind Chimes tm after she put them in here beautiful garden ... Pretty nice huh . I am soooo Blessed to have such nice customers that Love my work . ... and Blessed in so many other ways as well. I am so Thankful and Grateful for all that God has given me. ...... Thought for the Day:

" God and Germs are everywhere , so wash your hands and say your Prayers " J


Larelin said...

Hey Mom!
Good start!
Just keep updating it with blogs every week or so!
Love you!

Jan Richter Lynn said...

Thanks Son !
It's always nice to have encouragement :)